John Masarone
aka J Mas No. 5
musician - songwriter

Watching or should say, hearing one of my songs come alive is pretty cool. Writing, recording, mixing, mastering, to finished production. It kind of gives me a jolt. So much fun! It is quite freeing for me to write and record knowing I can capture an idea for a song almost exactly as I hear it in my head. Thank you, technology! With this freedom my mindset is just to let it happen. Whatever comes out, comes out. If maybe one of my songs brings a smile or laugh to someone - that will do it for me. (Don't get me wrong, being paid would be good too!)
Making something out of nothing — love it!
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My Albums
New! - Latest Release!

Released March 2018
Despite My Situation
Released July 2019
Signal Run
Released August 2021Song lyrics, quality audio streaming, purchase availability, at Bandcamp.com.
Also available on - Amazon, Apple Music, iTunes, Pandora, Spotify, YouTube, and more.